Big Brother Love…

This was a case of “Wow, it’s a small world….”  We came together by way of some Florida clients….saw each other at a mutual friend’s house….had some snacks, a backyard picnic, wiped some noses, exchanged some sand and now we’re BFF’s…no seriously, I feel like Mama and I’ve known each other forever.  Okay – so I LOVE it when I witness some sweet, big-brother love.  “L” was more than eager to share his scooter…and give little Miss “M” some riding lessons.  (“M”…maybe, when you’ve mastered the scooter, “L” can show you his leg-lift move.)  Too much fun on this March afternoon just hanging in the backyard….thanks for calling on me and maybe I’ll get to see you in Florida….or Georgia…who knows!!?


March 14, 2013 - 12:50 pm

BB - SWEET SWEET SWEET! Those two are something else….

L I K E   F a c e b o o k