Good ole boys…

I came home the other afternoon and found my 4th grader and asked….”Guess who I saw today?”  His response was typical to a 9-year old boy who could give a rat’s tail about what I’ve been up to.  “W” was my reply to his shoulder shrug….and a HUGE grin came across his sweet, rugrat face.  “W” is his ‘best friend from preschool.’

I used to LOVE to carpool these boys when they were younger.  You know how men exaggerate the size of the fish they caught?….Well it was ON every time they were in the back of the car….testosterone a’flowin’….”My dad built that ship over there.”  “Cool, my dad built this bridge.”  They weren’t being ugly with one another…they were simply sharing how great their daddies were.  When I would meet up with his Mama, we would exchange stories about all of the unknown awesomeness of our husbands and laugh!

Enjoyed my afternoon with the boys and catching up with you, Mama.  Also love getting some sibling “goodness” between the two of them….a little bite and pinch never hurt no’one.

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