Playing “Restaurant”……

This cute family received a Gift Certificate from an in-law and what fun we had in the park!!  Fortunately for the kiddos….and maybe unfortunately for Mama….there were HUGE piles of mulch that were irresistible.  Mulch + tights is pretty much like magic marker on the face…….but we didn’t care!  Smiles, running and fun for the entire time!  On our way back to the car…Daddy says, “C’mon guys, we’re going to go home and play ‘restaurant’!” – I asked what that was…’s when Daddy feeds everybody at the counter when Mama has a night off.  LOVE IT!  Every household has their version for sure…and mine isn’t named anything…just the dish is a mix and match of lots-o-things….in one pot.  Here’s your sneak peek.

December 3, 2012 - 1:40 pm

Anonymous - What cute children!

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