Santa Was Here!!

We have had the most magical Christmas.  Our break from the everyday hustle and bustle has been fabulous.  From impromptu gatherings with friends around the fire pit….to decorating Christmas cookies with neighbors….it’s been perfect.  My children SO enjoy our traditions that have developed over the years.  It’s really fun pulling them together to do things like making toffee for the neighbors. They love it.  I make sure I have all my chickens back in the house to start this process – and they help from beginning to end and love it.  Apple cider is going…Christmas music is flowing…I shut down my crazy self and get into ‘them’.  You get the picture.

Some of our Christmas traditions include planting Paperwhite bulbs to watch bloom in the kitchen…..I love the way they stink.  We planted these just before the children got out of school….around the 15th of December.  This is what they looked like Christmas Eve day.

We made a Gingerbread house….

decorated Christmas cookies with our peeps in the hood…..

…AND waited on Santa.  Lists were made, elves were hunted and just good old fashioned Christmas fun.  My children sang in church Christmas Eve (Oooh – just had a thought to bore you with a video…..but their choirs really are beautiful…we’ll see if I can make that link happen.)

Guess What…Santa came!

…and we spent Christmas morning enjoying our toys…..outside….with the neighbors and their toys.  Okay, yes, there were some mimosas and bloodies……and then oysters and beers…….but fun times had by all.

Look what Santa brought….. FORCED. FAMILY. FUN.

The day went on….and even the rain didn’t get us out of the yard.  The laughter NEVER subsided.  My oldest son finally said around 8:00 p.m. that he was done….it was time for him to shut down.


A 1000-piece puzzle was received as a gift…..and started Christmas night……  Many, many hours of puzzling later…..we have this!

Ah the Holidays.

Okay……here’s the deal.  The tree came down on the 26th…decorations got shoved back into the attic and I’m ready to strangle Karen Carpenter.  The snicker doodles are in the trash……I’m tired of scraping up wax from your new crayon maker and finding marshmallows from your new marshmallow gun is killin’ me…..hang up the new clothes……throw away the boxes….the Paperwhites have bloomed and it’s time for your lil’ a**es to go back to school.  That’s right….I had a blast and we squeezed the season for all there was to offer.  But buh bye.  Go’on so this house can remain somewhat in order for a millisecond.

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve…..and my husband and I are headed to a dinner party with a Murder Mystery game.  My character is a reporter…..and my husband is an old, gray-haired housekeeper.  Thelma.  Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahaaaa

January 11, 2012 - 1:02 pm

Anonymous - pictures of NYE please.

Fa La La La La

I love these people.  Mama and Daddy are some of the funniest around…..and the children are as sweet and nice as they can be.  We changed locations here and there today…..but everything turned out fine.  We had fun jumping on the trampoline, riding in the golf cart and building pyramids!  And, of course, Mama and Daddy thought they were the only parents that this (below) has ever happened to….


If you follow my blog at all…you’ve seen a fair share of brothers smiling and carrying on….with a sister in the background either pouting, crying, or both.  People….it’s in the DNA….just ask my husband.  I mean, he would, FOR SURE, tell you that I am the exception.  Thanks for having me over…..loved seeing you.

Off to engage in a Christmas vacation tradition with my oldest son…..Monopoly.  Just call me Trump cuz he’s goin’ down.

Happy First Birthday to Sweet “C”

How cheesy to say it…..but I can’t believe in a few days it will be a whole year since you entered this world.  This time last year…what an incredible morning for me…and, of course, for your sweet Mama and Daddy.  Fast forward a year later and I so enjoyed getting to see you celebrate your big ONE year mark today.  Happy Birthday sweet boy.

I love the matching squinched up noses below…

Present time…..

Cake time!!

Love it….you got ALL in it….just like you’re supposed to!

…and in about 3 minutes…..that cute little cake….looked like this.  Perfect.

Your friend….and my buddy….”L” teaching you Spider Man moves….

Happy Birthday sweet little guy.  Hope you’re deep asleep in a big ole sugar nap.

December 17, 2011 - 11:19 pm

Anonymous - Oh how sweet. Love these.

December 20, 2011 - 10:04 am

Anonymous - Wow

Merry Merry in the Hood….

These are some of my favorite people…..and I get to see them almost everyday…..our sweet, cute neighbors.  How fun and excited is Christmas morning on our street?….It’s pretty awesome.  Merry Merry.



Tutu’s, Footballs and Flowers

I saw Mama last week and I’m sure glad I ran into her.  We set up our little play date and look who I got to meet today! Seriously?  So stinkin’ cute.  “R” is as handsome as ever and “K” is…on fire!!  Both have eyes that “smile” at you…..just because.  

Lil’ sister coming after you!

…Let’s discuss how cool Mama is…..throwing a football, in her boots, wearing a tutu and sporting a big-o-daisy in her hair.  That’s my kind of fun right there.

I think I found Mama’s inspiration on her outfit……

December 14, 2011 - 8:57 am

Anonymous - Love these.

Gift Certificates Available….

It’s that time of year…..Would this help?

Gift Certificates….Any Amount…Wrapped and Ready-to-Go.

email or call….it’s as easy as that.

First Christmas….

I shot this family a while ago at their family reunion….and they’ve had some changes since I last saw them!  Sweet baby “P” has joined them and this is going to be her very first Christmas.  Her big furry brother “F” seemed happy she’s around….and I think her parents are over the moon.

“P”….it was nice meeting you this morning.  I’m sorry modeling is such a tiring job….but it sure was worth it.

December 7, 2011 - 2:44 pm

Anonymous - She’s so cute. These are great.

December 7, 2011 - 2:53 pm

Anonymous - How precious and fun!

December 7, 2011 - 2:58 pm

Curtis Pelham - Love them! What a great first Christmas!!!

More Brotherly Love…..and Wrestling!

As I’ve said before….I love getting to follow families from year-to-year.  This is my third time seeing these guys and I get so tickled with the different personalities.  Inevitably, the rough-housing starts with boys and I LOVE it.  Thanks for calling me again, Mom.  I always enjoy my time with “M”, “I” and “S”.



Check out what happens when the efforts to get an entire family in a tree….go a little goofy.  Is “S” taking a bite out of “M”‘s shoe?

We got serious for a little bit…..

This little guy doesn’t walk to get around….he does a hand stand…..or a walk-over….or somersault….he’s like an agile little monkey.

….because we thought it would be fun to build a family pyramid….yes, there are 5 people in there…love it.

Merry Merry!!

December 7, 2011 - 2:44 pm

Anonymous - What fun!

January 11, 2012 - 4:16 pm

imran a. - great pictures bring back lots of memories….sadly i lost one of my brothers at a young age so it was quite special to relive the moments we had as kids – excellent work!

Brotherly love…..

I met this sweet family a few different ways……I shot their children (that always sounds so terrible) for their preschool pictures….I have shot their brother and sister-in-law’s family a few times…..and they were up in North Carolina with us at Kanuga.  We had ourselves a good time this morning….the boys were in GREAT moods and we played juusst long enough until little “B”‘s eyes told us we were done.

Big brother “C”…..was full of sweet, overzealous affection… ~wink wink~  Being the mother of rough-housing boys….I think I’ve seen some of those maneuvers before!  Look through this little slideshow….you’ll see an apology in there.

Thanks for having me over…..I enjoyed my morning!




Teenage Delight…..

Wow – How often do you see the words “teen” and “delight” together?  I spent the afternoon with two of the most polite, humble and sweet teenagers.  There was hardly a glimpse of self-absorption that is so often hand-in-hand with teens as we know them….

I know it’s hard and I do feel like I torture this age group….but they couldn’t have been more gracious while hanging out with me…..and hopefully you’ll think it was worth it.

A big THANK YOU to Martha at BLUSH and the Magic Cheese Truck for passing my name along.

December 5, 2011 - 6:58 am

Anonymous - Beautiful!

December 5, 2011 - 8:25 am

Anonymous - These are beautiful!

L I K E   F a c e b o o k